KKG News You Can Use


Here come the leaves and pine needles! Summer is on its way out.  In just a few weeks it will be Autumn. Most of us here in Kingwood and the Lake Houston area are blessed with lots of trees!  To many of us though, trees and fall mean big messes on our lawns...

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Advanced Recycling Coming Soon

Advanced Recycling Coming Soon

How often do we read or hear about plastic floating in the oceans, in Lake Houston, and into the Gulf? For many years we sold our plastic waste to China. That fostered our “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. Then a few years ago China stopped taking plastic. A few...

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Humble ISD School Board Candidates Respond to KKG

Humble ISD School Board Candidates Respond to KKG

1. Humble ISD has run a Recycling program (paper, aluminum, plastics) for nearly 20 years. That was true until it was cancelled in June, 2020 due to public abuse of recycle bins on school campuses. The school district has not announced a new recycling contract or...

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Recycling should soon return to Humble ISD schools

Recycling should soon return to Humble ISD schools

Good news! Recycling should soon return to Humble ISD schools. Keep Kingwood Green is excited to share with the community that Humble ISD has negotiated a contract with GFL Environmental (formally WCA) to bring back paper recycling to our local schools. Here is what...

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America Recycles Day Success

America Recycles Day Success

America Recycles Day was Sunday, November 15th.  Being a long-time recycler and a member of Keep Kingwood Green (KKG) since its founding, where else would I spend my time but the weekend recycling at the Kingwood Park and Ride lot?  A number of the KKG members spent...

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Local Schools Celebrate America Recycles Day

Local Schools Celebrate America Recycles Day

Local Kingwood Middle Schools competed in a fun challenge to recycle the most cans and plastics bottles at school on November 13th.  It was part of KKG-sponsored community activities to celebrate of America Recycles Day on Sunday November 15th. We are proud of all the...

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Electronics Recycling returns October 3rd

Electronics Recycling returns October 3rd

We are pleased to announce that Electronics Recycling returns to the neighborhood in October. The City of Houston struck a deal with CompuCycle to resume monthly pickup starting Saturday October 3rd. Some important details on the event for these pandemic times are as...

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