by KKGadmin | Jan 19, 2020 | Uncategorized
KKG recommends you check out CEC’s Wild and Scenic Film Festival on January 28 & 29 at the River Oaks Theater in Houston. Use the link provided for 25% off tickets, since it’s a little bit of a drive in from Kingwood....
by Hal Opperman | Aug 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
Recently the Tribune Newspapers ran a comprehensive article about recycling in the area and specifically about Kingwood. We worked with the reporter to share our knowledge of what is happening not only in Kingwood but all across the world. A number of...
by Hal Opperman | May 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
It hurts me as an avid recycler to suggest that instead of recycling something you should instead “throw it out”. Unfortunately the recycling industry is going through a tough spot right now since China has stopped taking much of our recycled goods. I wrote about...
by Hal Opperman | Apr 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
The first time I heard about a BOPA I had no idea what a BOPA was. Is it a dreaded disease? Or is it a strange animal from some distant jungle? Or maybe some new dance or song the teenagers have dreamed up? Nope, soon I found out it was none of those and only the...
by Hal Opperman | Mar 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
One question we get over and over on our website or our telephone hot line (713-206-0558) is: “How can I get curbside recycling at my home”? In most cases this is not something you personally can control. In most cases it is the Home...