Local Recycling Guide

Where do I recycle that?
Many items can’t go in our regular curbside recycling, or even the weekend City recycling bins. But fear not, that doesn’t mean you don’t have other options! Select from the item list below to see how and/or where to best recycle them locally. Note: some locations and services may have changed due to Hurricane Harvey and Covid.
Appliances and Scrap Metal
Pete Hess, at 832-377-JUNK will come to your home or place of business to pick up recyclable metal objects; large appliances (including freezers and microwaves), commercial vehicle batteries, alarm systems, car parts, boats, golf carts, fork-lifts, motorcycles, etc. See details on www.junkybusiness.com
Of course you can also hang on to your scrap metal until the semi-annual City of Houston B.O.P.A. recycling events here in Kingwood. Junky Business is always there to take your scrap metal and large metal appliances.
Note: Pete Hess of Junky Business retired! KKG will update you as soon as we hear if there is going to be a replacement.
Rechargeable batteries can be recycled at many hardware, electronic and department stores (Best Buy)
Books and current magazines
Printer Cartridges (Inkjet and Laser Toner)
Drop them at Best Buy, or Office Depot . The Monthly Electronic Recycling event in Kingwood Park & Ride accepts Laser Toner only.
Cell phones/Smart phones
Best Buy stores or the Monthly Electronic Recycling event at Kingwood Park & Ride
Compact Fluorescent Light (CFLs) bulbs and Fluorescent tubes
Some Lowe’s stores (Atascocita location) also recycle florescent tubes.
– Your best option is the Monthly Electronic Recycling collection by Compucycle every Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm at the Park & Ride location on W. Lake Houston Parkway (TVs 27″ or less, 50″ or less if LCD. Larger TV’s can be dropped at CompuCycle facility.
– Best Buy stores accept televisions and monitors up to 32”, flat-panel televisions up to 60″, computer CPUs and notebooks, small electronics, VCRs and DVD players, phones, as well as accessories such as keyboards, mice and remotes, etc.
–Goodwill has a special program with Dell called Reconnect. Goodwill accepts any brand of used computer equipment in any condition and anything that can be connected to a computer; monitors, printers, scanners, hard drives, keyboards, mice, speakers, cords & cables, software, Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Zune, Microsoft-brand Webcams, etc.
Please call or email if you have additional questions.
Bring used eyeglasses to Walmart stores and Sam’s Club with vision centers. They are sorted, cleaned and refurbished for distribution to needy people throughout the world.
Garden Pots and Trays
Household Hazardous Waste
If usable, please give items away on Freecycle or Kingwood Bookoo (FREE section)
-The closest household hazardous waste facility is the North Environmental Service Center (713)837-9137, located at 5614 Neches, Building C. It is open to Houston residents only, every 2nd Thursday of the month from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Material collected: anti-freeze, batteries, fuel, oil, paint, pesticides and other household cleaners. Residential electronic scrap items (monitors, CPUs, televisions, VCRs, etc) will also be accepted.
-The Westpark Consumer recycling Center is open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and take all BOPA items and more (see website for all items) but not oil based paint and chemical.
-If you live outside the City of Houston but in Harris County your alternative is to take your items to the Harris County Collection facility.
-If you live outside of Harris County contact us and we will try to find your closest drop off site.
Houston Furniture Bank Recycles used mattresses at their warehouse located at 8220 Mosley Rd., Houston, TX 77075. Mattresses require a tax deductible donation of $10 per piece if dropped off and $25 per piece if picked up. For more information, call (713) 842 9771.
Medical Equipment
If you missed the Drug Take Back event, You now have to option to dispose of your expired or unused prescription drugs at the local CVS pharmacy on 1350 Kingwood Drive.
Motor Oil
Most garage and Auto Parts stores accepts used oil motor: O’Reilly Auto Parts, Firestone, Jiffy Lube, Pep Boys, etc.
Of course you can also wait for the semi-annual City of Houston B.O.P.A. recycling event here in Kingwood. The O stands for oil, including motor oil. The City will take it off your hands and disposes it in a responsible manner.
Packaging Peanuts and Bubble Wrap
Most mailing stores in Kingwood will accept your packaging material for reuse
You can also bring your bubble wrap and Styrofoam peanuts or blocks to the weekly drop off at the Kingwood Metro Park& Ride (new all plastics recycling program)
Of course you can also save your paint for the semi-annual City of Houston B.O.P.A. recycling event here in Kingwood. The P stands for paint, meaning non-oil based household paints. The City will take it off your hands and disposes it in a responsible manner. The City will not take oil-based paints. In fact, oil-based household paints are rarely sold any more at the large box retailers.
If you have just dried out paint cans, you can dispose of them in the trash, they are not recyclable.
Plastic Grocery Bags
HEB, Kroger’s, Target, Lowe’s, and Walmart have a special recycling bin at the entrance of the store where you can drop your plastic grocery bags.
Never toss them in with your curbside. Small plastic bags just gum up the recycling process unless handled separately.
You can now bring them to the weekly drop off at the Kingwood Metro Park& Ride (new all plastics recycling program: Bag it and Bring it!)
Bring your Styrofoam peanuts or blocks to the weekly drop off at the Kingwood Metro Park& Ride (new all plastics recycling program: Bag it and Bring it!)
Yard Waste
Trimmings, leaves and grass can be mulch back into your lawn or garden